Dude, Who Are My Applications Talking To?

“We don’t know what apps are talking to each other,” said a worried IT professional at the Gigamon booth during a major conference in Las Vegas in 2019.  This sentiment is becoming more and more common as I see the rapid growth of digital transformation continue and work from home (as well as BYOD- bring your own device) being the norm for the foreseeable future. It’s not surprising that IT and security teams are becoming increasingly concerned about what and where their applications actually are in their environments, and who they are talking to.

Together with our partner Gigamon, we show you how our joint solution provides a comprehensive and pervasive application relationship management solution for our customers worldwide, including Financial Services, Healthcare and more, across any on premise or cloud environment— so a customer can now have complete visibility and control of all applications no matter where they live. 

With a clear picture of their applications and communications, IT can act more and worry less. Gigamon’s ThreatINSIGHT solution coupled with our vArmour Application Controller enables Operations and Information Security Teams the ability to proactively operate, detect and respond, and optimize their application environments.  This blog is a great showcase of how these two cyber security solutions are Better Together to achieve significantly minimized risk for any customer, in any environment.

~ Kate Kuehn, SVP, Alliances

Read Full Blog Here


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Timothy Eades

Chief Executive Officer