Managing Entitlement & User Access to Apps
Employees need access to apps no matter where they are located. However, today’s dynamic business environment means that both apps and users can change frequently, increasing the risk of entitlement drift, unsanctioned app access, compliance issues and security risks. Without robust visibility and control, critical apps can be accessed by malicious or unauthorized users, leaving the organization exposed.
vArmour Application Controller visualizes, validates and controls user access and entitlements in near real-time across an entire IT estate to dramatically reduce your threat surface.
App-centric View of Actual Access
App-centric, multi-dimensional view of who is actually accessing an app as opposed to traditional identity solutions’ hypothetical view of permissions.
Unified View of Risk
Unified view of user and apps relationships, giving enterprises a high level of visibility and control over user access to apps.
Comprehensive and Dynamic
Automatically discover users and apps, dynamically track who is accessing which apps and compute app-centric monitoring and enforcement policies.
Key Use Cases

Managing Access for Remote Workers
Inconsistent and unevenly applied access policies can lead to over-privileged app users and cloned privileged users, as well as entitlement and credential drift. vArmour’s solution shows which apps are being accessed by which users, highlights violations of access policies and can then refine policies accordingly.
Compliance Validation and Reporting
Get detailed, accurate and comprehensive auditing and automatic reporting to meet compliance requirements. vArmour’s solution streamlines compliance for app access in hours translating, resulting in lower costs to comply with regulatory mandates such as FFIEC, GDPR, and SWIFT CSP.