Announcing General Availability of vArmour’s Application Controller Version 6

As you may have seen in our hot-off-the-press survey results, IT leaders are rightly concerned about establishing access policies and controls for applications and sensitive data, since three-fourths of employees potentially have inappropriate access to one or the other.  In response, Zero Trust security models are now seen as the consensus industry framework, and many IT leaders are quickly heading down the path of considering and implementing solutions to achieve a Zero Trust model.

The latest product innovations from vArmour directly address these concerns, and we’re pleased to announce the general availability of Application Controller version 6. This major release enables our customers to provide real-time visibility and control of user access to applications and orchestrate security policies across their entire enterprise IT estate. 

Visualizing and controlling identity access from the application-out
To understand who is accessing applications, organizations have until now needed to filter and manipulate log files and stitch together disparate data, which can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. vArmour’s latest version of Application Controller enhances its new Application Access & Identity Module, the only solution that visualizes actual application access by identity – either users or machines –  and devices from an application-centric frame of reference. This enables organizations to quickly find and control unsanctioned and malicious access to protect their critical applications and improve their risk posture. 

“Over the past year, we’ve partnered closely with several highly engaged customers to develop and test our Application Access & Identity Module,” said Jeff Jennings, SVP of Engineering at vArmour. “This has helped us to build a solution that’s particularly important right now to solve critical use cases such as visualizing application access and monitoring entitlements.”

In addition, Application Controller version 6 has also extended the Relationship Search feature for queries on identity-to-application relationships, helping enterprises to simply ask for and get instantaneous responses to previously unsolvable questions, such as which identities accessed a critical application in the last 30 days.

Accelerating Zero Trust journeys with powerful orchestrated segmentation

A significant piece of the Zero Trust puzzle is the ability to isolate applications and app-to-app relationships. Customers select vArmour for our unique ability to orchestrate segmentation policy horizontally across diverse vertical platforms, and because we can drive game-changing ROI by leveraging existing platforms the enterprise already has deployed. 

While application threats from users garner most of the attention, exposure from other applications is significant as well. App-to-app relationships are increasing rapidly, as reflected by the growth in East-West data center traffic, and that exacerbates exposure from lateral movements. Given the skyrocketing number, diversity and sophistication of attacks, IT organizations must embrace a Zero Trust model to better respond. 

Application Controller version 6 expands our orchestration capabilities for an even stronger security posture. In addition to Microsoft Azure, AWS, and VMware NSX, integration has expanded to endpoint management solutions such as Tanium, enabling customers to take advantage of their existing deployments to drive and enforce vArmour security policy effectively down to the endpoint. 

Using an independent orchestrator to drive segmentation policy horizontally across diverse vertical platforms, rather than leveraging siloed solutions, helps organizations to achieve consistent security policies enterprise-wide. 

Empowering DevOps with new automated policy integrations for CI/CD workflows

Meanwhile, your DevOps teams are moving faster than ever and driving significant shadow IT. As an IT organization, you have no visibility or control while your business partners sacrifice security for speed to get their application updates out the door. 

The best way to reassert your position is to enable these DevOps teams to “shift left” and integrate your sanctioned security policies with their toolsets — to protect applications at the speed of modern deployments.

vArmour’s new Policy-as-a-Service capability enables DevOps teams to automatically generate security policies for newly deployed apps, and even test security with synthetic relationships for yet to be deployed apps. Then, the new policies can be applied using CI/CD processes for deployments of new workloads on Day 0. The net result is that enterprises can drive consistent security policies across their heterogeneous environments for stronger governance and better regulatory compliance.


Application Controller version 6 is now generally available. Please contact for more information.


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Timothy Eades

Chief Executive Officer